Sanitizers are valuable in a hospital setting to help prevent infections and transfer of microorganisms
from one patient to another or from patient to clinicians. While washing hands with soap water is the
most ideal approach to get rid of germs, it isn’t constantly a viable option. In such cases, hand sanitizers
are the most straight forward solution. As indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO). hand
sanitizer is perhaps the best instrument accessible to abstain from becoming ill and spreading germs.
Alcohol-based Hand Sanitizers such as HEALTHPLUS (should be redirected to sanitizer product page)
hand cleanser liquid stops the spread of germs and disease causing microbes are of great advantage in
the following ways:

 Contain microbial growth: Using alcohol based hand sanitizers are proven to stop the spread of
germs including infection causing microbes thus arresting disease spread.
 Promote hygiene and healthy habits: Regular sanitization of hands promotes a sense of personal
hygiene and inculcate healthy habits thus people falling ill lesser.
 Reduced wastage of resources: Alcohol based sanitizers get easily ‘evaporated’ leaving a sweet
fragrance. Upon using hand sanitizers, no additional requirement of water or tissue paper is needed
thus avoiding wastage.

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